
LitBit Finance's Bridge feature, allows users to easily and securely connect their external wallets to the LitBit platform. The Bridge feature will enable users to deposit and withdraw their assets from external wallets, making it easier for them to manage their investments and trades on the LitBit platform.

Key Benefits

One of the key benefits of the Bridge feature is that it allows users to maintain control of their private keys while still being able to access the advanced trading and investment tools provided by the LitBit platform. This means that users can enjoy the convenience and security of using the LitBit platform without having to compromise on the safety of their assets.

Another benefit of the Bridge feature is that it allows users to easily move assets in and out of the LitBit platform as needed. This is particularly useful for users who wish to take advantage of short-term trading opportunities or to move assets out of the platform when market conditions change.

The Bridge feature also allows users to connect multiple external wallets to their LitBit account, which can be useful for users who wish to manage multiple assets or to keep their assets separate for security reasons.

Here's how the Bridge feature works:

Connect your external wallet:

To connect your external wallet to the LitBit platform, you will need to provide the public address of your wallet. This can be done by going to the "Wallets" section of your LitBit account and selecting "Connect Wallet."

Deposit assets:

Once your external wallet is connected, you can easily deposit assets into your LitBit account by selecting the "Deposit" option in the "Wallets" section. You will then be prompted to enter the amount you wish to deposit, and the assets will be transferred from your external wallet to your LitBit account.

Trade and Invest:

With your assets now in your LitBit account, you can trade and invest as you normally would on the platform.

Withdraw assets:

When you are ready to withdraw your assets from the LitBit platform, you can simply select the "Withdraw" option in the "Wallets" section and enter the amount you wish to withdraw. The assets will then be transferred from your LitBit account to your external wallet.

The Bridge feature is designed to provide users with an easy and secure way to manage their assets on the LitBit platform. It is also important to note that users will be able to connect multiple external wallets to their LitBit account, allowing them to manage their investments and trades with greater flexibility.

Last updated